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11 articles, with the word swma .


Serum for Body and Hair-Mastic

Silky Moisture with Masticha of Chios scent

Body and Hand cream hydrating traditional Aloe Vera Flowers

Body and hand cream with aloe naturally provides hydration, regeneration, soft and elastic structure to the skin.

Body & Hand scrub Vanilla

With Dead Sea salts

Body & Hand cream hydrating -Flowers

It moisturizes, heals and protects the skin.

Body and hand cream hydrating Essence of Creta

A light, fresh body and hand cream.

Βody and hand cream hydrating Vanilla

Offers Hydration, regeneration, soft and elastic structure of the skin.

Body oil against cellulite

With juniper & black pepper.

Edible-Pure Cretan Olive oil Face & Body Soap «Olive leaf» Lavender

Excellent quality beauty soap for face and body.

Edible-Pure Cretan Olive oil Face & Body Soap Orange

Excellent quality beauty soap for face and body.

Edible-Pure Cretan Olive oil Face & Body Soap Mint

Excellent quality beauty soap for face and body.